Home Foreclosure Options

We Help Homeowners Solve their Moratorium Problem

John and Julie started 2020 with high hopes and great expectations. Then, the Covid pandemic struck. The beauty salon Julie worked at shut down, and there is a For Sale sign on it today. John was the head chef at a restaurant. Neither of them expected the loss of their income that came in the wake of Covid.

 Are You Between That Rock and A Hard Space?

John and Julie missed a mortgage payment. They missed another payment. A couple of months later, they missed another payment. Then John caught Covid. He passed it on to Julie.

The government stepped in, and it said there would be a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions. The news was great news for struggling homeowners – until it wasn’t.

John and Julie discovered that recently. The moratorium was lifted, and suddenly the bank was snarling like a pack of hungry wolves outside their door.

 We Can Pull You Out of Harm’s Way

Homeforeclosureoptions recognize homeowners’ needs in that situation. While the moratorium kept people in their homes, the missed payments began to pile up. That pile of debt didn’t go away as Covid cases declined. Many people don’t have the means to pay down the missed payments. That is a problem.

 We Have a Solution!

We will assess your current home and make an offer to buy it from you as-is. The offer will not be a pennies-on-the-dollar low-ball bid. The offer will be reasonable and based on a fair market value for your home.

Then, we buy your home. Only we don’t kick you out into the street. We put you into one of our Rent-to-own temporary rental houses. That’s right. We make sure you have a place to go, and we give you plenty of time for you to move to your new home.

We don’t stop there. We also assist you in securing financing to purchase the rental home. You will get 100% financing of the purchase price for your new home. You won’t have to come up with a down payment. You will also get the lowest interest rates available at the time of the purchase (lower than any other lender).

Don’t worry about your credit, either. Qualifying for this loan is not based on you having good credit, and you don’t need to wait years until your credit improves either; we assume you don’t have good credit. As long as you can demonstrate the ability to make your new house payments, we can strike a deal.

 100% of the Cost of the Home – Loan – 30 year – Fixed Rate – Lowest Interest Rate – Regardless of your Credit.

Let us be clear. We offer:

  •  The fair purchase price for your current home,
  •  One of our rent-to-own homes with100% financed,
  • No credit check, and
  • Freedom from the stress and worry about where you will live.

You Won’t Get Any Money if the Bank Take Your Home

The bank can take your home. Federal and state governments are not taking any steps towards helping you with a bailout of any kind. It isn’t a great spot to be in, but we will make it as painless as possible.

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